The current Staking APR is fixed at 2.5%.
Once staked, Investors are subjected to 30 days timelock upon request to withdraw. More details available below.
As a safety mechanism to protect the community from “Post-IDO Dump” and to promote long term support for both OXB and launched projects, a 30 days timelock will be in effect upon a request to unstake. Investors who chooses to unstake will:
An Investor can choose to ONLY claim the rewards from the staking pool whilst leaving the principal stake untouched. The rewards are yielded according to the APY and amount of OXI.
You are welcome to harvest at all times, but do note that gas fee for transaction will still incur. Rewards are accumulated, hence there’s no difference in OXI amount received between harvesting at the end of the week and harvesting daily. However, the former will have better efficiency as less gas fee was spent (one transaction vs 7 transactions).
To qualify for a Guaranteed and High allocation of the IDO tokens, investors would be required to:
Stake and maintain 8,000 OXI v2 tokens until token generation event.
Qualified Investors will have a pre-allocated time to contribute to the project contribution pool.
Each qualified address will only be eligible for ONE transaction.
Details of the Staking cut-off, Contribution timing and allocation will be updated respectively at the Project Medium or Project Contribution page .
To qualify for a Guaranteed and Medium allocation of the IDO tokens, investors would be required to:
Stake and maintain between 1,000 - 4,000 OXI v2 tokens until token generation event. Allocation size will be proportioned based on the amount of tokens staked.
Qualified Investors will have a pre-allocated time to contribute to the project contribution pool.
Each qualified address will only be eligible for ONE transaction.
Details of the Staking cut-off, Contribution timing and allocation will be updated respectively at the Project Medium or Project Contribution page.
For a Small allocation of tokens, interested Investors will need to stake and maintain at least 50 OXI v2 Tokens and complete a Whitelisting form to stand a chance to qualify for the IDO.
The project contribution pool shall be opened to the whitelisted address public and contributions are strictly on a first come first serve(FCFS)** basis.
Upon successful contribution, eligible investors will be able to claim tokens according to the project's respective vesting schedule as indicated at the project claim pool.
Unclaimed but vested tokens will accumulate and remain available to all eligible investors.
Please be advised that data migrations are currently ongoing and should there be a claim missing from the Project Claim page, investors may reach out to our mods or visit Oxbull’s v1 website: